Monday, April 5, 2010

In The Beginning.....

Growing up as the youngest of 5, and slightly trailing the last of the siblings, I like to think of myself as the 'love caboose' in my family. With a fairly good spread, from oldest to youngest, my Mom always referred to me as her "Icing on the Cake."

With over 10 years now under my belt with cake decorating, I've really been noticing comments from people like, "I wished I could do that...." or "That doesn't look like anything I could make..." and I've begun to realize that ANYONE could decorate just as well as I do, if they had the basics and as much practice.

I had a 'lightbulb moment' recently. Maybe all the "icing on the cake" comments from my mom had impacted my drive toward cakes? That combined with the time watching her decorate as a child, seemed to spell out my destiny.

Here I am now... I don't mind making your cakes from time to time BUT wouldn't it be better if you knew how to do it on your own? You too can "ooooooh and awe" the crowd.

I can't wait to teach you. Details to come.


  1. I agree that is is great to share your talents with others. With your busy schedule, it makes sense to show others your skill, but I still think it would take a LOT of practice to make the cakes look as good as yours. :)

  2. Awesome. Just wish I lived closer so I could come to the classes. You ROCK!

  3. me, me, please teach me...this past year poor Boston had a cheeseburger with a candle in joke i have pictures...Can't wait!
